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4 e e cummings songs

3. when god lets my body be

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KOMPONIST: Brian Holmes
VERLAG: Thorpe Music Publishing Company
Brian Holmes has been featured in the Thorpe Music catalog with works such as the charming Carol of the Field Mice and the heart-aching Let Evening Come (on text by the late Jane Kenyon). A professor of physics at San Jose State, specializing in the physics of music, Holmes has long enjoyed mixing
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Subtitle 3. when god lets my body be
Komponist Brian Holmes
Autor E.E. Cummings
Verlag Thorpe Music Publishing Company
Instrumentierung SSATB and Piano [rehearsal]
Produktformat Chorpartitur
Instrument Group Gemischter Chor
Voicing SATB
No. CF39203105
Brian Holmes has been featured in the Thorpe Music catalog with works such as the charming Carol of the Field Mice and the heart-aching Let Evening Come (on text by the late Jane Kenyon). A professor of physics at San Jose State, specializing in the physics of music, Holmes has long enjoyed mixing music and text. While composer-in-residence with the San Francisco Choral Artists, Holmes set four of e e cummmings' poems to mixed choir, a cappella.