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A Comprehensive Independence Play-Along System

KOMPONIST: Russ Miller
VERLAG: Alfred Music Publications
Transitions is the ultimate independence learning system. From two-limb [drum pad or snare drum] to advanced four-limb [drum set] independence, this book is designed for beginners to advanced pros. Every exercise has acorresponding play-along track. A live band CD recording guides you through
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Subtitle A Comprehensive Independence Play-Along System
Komponist Russ Miller
Verlag Alfred Music Publications
Instrumentierung Schlagzeug
Text language Englisch
Produktformat Buch und CD
Instrument Group Schlagzeug
Erscheinungsjahr 2001
Genre Schule
ISBN 9780769292021
UPC 654979007104
Seitenzahl 144
No. ALF000418B
Transitions is the ultimate independence learning system. From two-limb [drum pad or snare drum] to advanced four-limb [drum set] independence, this book is designed for beginners to advanced pros. Every exercise has acorresponding play-along track. A live band CD recording guides you through every system and exercise. Transitions is designed to help you gain facility on the instrument while making you play music and become a bettermusician! Each independence level has different styles of musical play-along tracks. From alternative rock to blues to funk to hip-hop, this package makes one of the most difficult and important learning steps in drumming funtodo!